How to get bigger arms? Secrets revealed...

Getting bigger arms is the primary goal of every guy who steps foot in the gym. Bigger arms not only get you the bulkier look but also symbolizes your strength.

So if you are going to gym and are in dire need to know the workouts which will help you gain bigger arms then these five workouts will help you the most.

So lets get started!

   1)  Standing Barbell curl

Yeah! Your trainer might have explained this exercise to you when you asked him for a workout on your arms day. You might be surprised that this exercise is one of the oldest and one of the most effective exercise which will give you your dream biceps.

How to do it:- Grab a barbell with the spaces between the grips equivalent to your shoulder length. Now slowly start lifting the barbell towards you chest with your elbows fixed at their position. Once you reach the chest then slowly descend in the similar manner. Repeat the exercise until you start feeling a little tension on you biceps.

Always remember to do some progressive overloading every time you do this exercise.

   2)  Incline Dumbbell Curl

This is a slight more difficult exercise if you are a beginner so I might as well suggest a beginner to head on to the next exercise. For this exercise you are going to need a set of dumbbell and an inclined bench.

How to do it:- Grab a set of dumbbells and lie down on the inclined bench. Let your hands be perpendicular to the ground while you are lying on the bench. Now without moving your upper arms slowly lift the dumbbells close to your shoulder. You should feel the tension starting to form in your biceps muscle. Slowly trace back the track you took to move it upward. Repeat as much as you wish, but don’t overdo yourself.

   3)  Chin-ups

Here is a body weight exercise which will not only help you to increase your arms size but also help in increasing your strength. All you need is a pull-ups bar or monkey bar.

How to do it:- Stand below the pull-ups bar and take a grip just like that in the barbell curl. Now let go of the ground and hang yourself on the strength of your arms. Now slowly pull upwards until your chin goes above the pull-ups bar. Slowly come back down. You can do as much sets as your body allows.

Remember to do more sets each time you do this exercise.

   4)  Concentration Curl (on bench)

This is a well known exercise which is often neglected by fitness enthusiasts. This is one of the finishers exercises for arms workout. You would need a bench and a dumbbell to go on.

How to do it:- Pick up the dumbbell as one would. Put your elbow on the knee in such a way that you get at least 90 degree range of motion. Slowly move the dumbbell upwards until your hand becomes parallel to the floor. Trace back the path to move the dumbbell downwards. Repeat the exercise as much as possible. You can take support from you other arm if you start getting fatigue.

   5)  Hammer Curls

Last but never the least the famous hammer curls. This exercise will give you insane peak if your method is right and don’t worry, that’s what I am here for.

How to do it:- Grab a set of dumbbell and hold them in such a way that they make a shape of hammer with your arm. Now, without moving the upper arm slowly lift both the arms at the same time. Trace the same path while going down. Repeat this exercise till you feel the pump!

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